Wednesday, February 12, 2003

It's been quite a week. On Monday, I suffered a urethral swab. On Tuesday, it was Mongolian Grill with the Entourage and Kathy (a friend of the Entourage who is pregnant). And today, it was dinner with Beth, who I haven't really hung out with since sometime in 2000. And it was great. I forgot how awesome she is to hang around with. We caught up as best as you can during a one and a half hour dinner conversation. She's getting over a breakup, which is always tough, but otherwise, seems to be doing fine. I told her about Melinda (ha! I used her name! Surprise, surprise!) and she was quite happy for me. (And thought M was very cool to boot.)

Also, it turns out, her best friend doesn't like me due to a huge misunderstanding. See a few years ago, at a Spiritualized show at the 9:30 Club, her friend Erin came up to me and said hello. Apparently, I blew her off. I actually remembered it, and was totally shocked that she thought I blew her off. I was at the show by myself, and thought she was with people. So I politely said hello and went back to watching the show. She took it as my being a dick, which in reality, it was just me being polite and shy, since I had a bit of a crush on her cute (and now married! *gasp*) indie girl self. Anyway, I explained what went down to Beth so that we could clear the air on that. It was weird enough finding out that the girl actually thought I was cool to begin with (I had actually thought she disliked me well before the Spiritualized show), but I couldn't let this perceived slight go uncorrected.

Oh, and the Dave Chappelle Show. Too fucking hilarious.