Friday, January 14, 2005

WHFS is dead. Long live WHFS?

As many of you local Washingtonians may know, WHFS, "modern rock" radio for the D.C. metro area, switched formats without warning, becoming El Zol, a Spanish-language station. It has, not surprisingly, outraged several locals, who now will have to look elsewhere for their Nickelback fix. I, on the other hand, fail to see what all the hub-bub is about. I understand that many moons ago, 'HFS was somewhat relevant (this would be their free form years). But in the dozen years that I've lived in this area, 'HFS has been largely forgettable, offering little more than what kids could get (with moving images!) on the MTV. It's place as a local institution aside, I see no reason to get all worked up over the format change. It's not like 'HFS was presenting music you can't find anywhere else. 'HFS had its day, and maybe if they were more interested in building a following by providing a true alternative (remember that word?) to what was out there, I'd give a good goddamn about the station's demise. But, switching from one corporate controlled format to another means little to me. It's like noticing corn in your stool: it's different, but it's still shit.

Vaya con dios, 'HFS.