This day sucked. And now there's a dog show on my TV.
Well, let's see, I blitzed through a near 10 hour day without a break--and that's not an exaggeration--having to deal with a temp who is too cautious to do anything on her own, setting our work back significantly. Yet, she's too timid to even be snarky with. She's like Hooks from the Police Academy movies. Eventually, things came to a head and I had to take over and get us caught up to a manageable point. More importantly, I got caught up enough so that I could finish my own work.
This is why I'm not team-oriented. I don't have the patience to work with a bunch of Grossmans every day. If not for the people who don't suck (invariably, the people upon whom I rely the least in terms of my own work), that place would be intolerable.
And my boss is off this week! I'm supposed to be enjoying myself! Dammit.
In more positive news, had an enjoyable weekend, including dinner with The Drizzle and Los O's on Friday evening, and drinks with The Drizzle and JP on Saturday. Sunday was lazy. So, so lazy.
Lastly, some consumer advice: you so called rock fans are raging posers if you don't have this already. I've got the original version of Kingdom Come and it's boss.* Get some.
*That's for CLJO. I'm bringing it back!