Thursday, July 6, 2006

Dude, Remember When You Got Your First 2600?

I've come across a couple of sites lately that have made it into my rotation of regular reads: Water Cooler Games and Game Politics. I read these not just because I'm a giant nerd (true), but also as a means to keeping up with the issues in an industry (for those who don't already know) into which I'm still hoping to gain access, sooner than later, with any luck. Fortunately, because our government loves to legislate just about anything, these sites have been keeping quite busy covering the outbreak of "violent video games" bills in our country. With the release of the Columbine diaries, and the prominent mention of Doom and Duke Nuke 'Em (both in the diaries and the articles reporting on them), I'm sure some of these same lawmakers will be even more vocal now.

It's fascinating to me to think how far we've come from the days of George Plimpton pimping for Intellivision to games being used as campaign tools or game simulations of trying to survive as a farmer in the third world. ("A simulation to make you think.")


More later on this past 4th of July weekend, which featured Erica coming down for the festivities. Fun! Chaos!