Saturday, January 28, 2006


You ever have that somnambulist feeling? Do feel like I do?

I haven't been feeling the blog thing lately. Usually, I'll go through periods of non-blogging but still make mental notes of things I'd like to write about, hoping that enough material would pile up and force me to write something here. Sometimes it happens; most often, it does not. Of course, considering that most of the fodder for my blog is personal experiences and work has managed to limit that lately, the saturation point that triggers blog-writing has not really been approached.

Beyond the work thing (which is actually, finally, honestly approaching the point of being manageable), I haven't even been thinking about blogging much, with the exception of a piece that is half-formed in my mind about recent unique gaming experiences (covering three titles in particular: Indigo Prophecy, Shadow of the Colossus, and Guitar Hero) and the slow trickle of titles that are trying to move beyond or at least expand upon traditional game forms. But, as is usual when an idea occurs to me, I find myself unable to get beyond the note gathering phase and actually hammer something out. It's a combination of factors, most boring and predictable, so there's no need to elaborate.

I can tell you that things have not been completely devoid of social activity. I've returned to the gym after a lapse in attendance; EF came down for a long weekend a couple of weeks ago, and I've managed to hang out with The Drizzle (new nickname pending) the last couple of weekends (football and beer!), with Mr. O on board last night. I've also returned to my favorite bakery a couple of times the last few weeks. Honestly, folks, if you happen to be near one of their locations any time soon, I suggest you swing by and pick yourself up some Pesto Asiago or Cinnamon Swirl bread (or both; who says indecision is bad?).

I've also been spending way too much time ripping my music collection into one of Xmas gifts. It's been a great chance to listen to stuff I haven't pulled off the shelf in ages. At the same time, it's only three weeks into the new year and I already feel behind new music. One notable exception: the new release from Pearls and Brass, who will be playing in DC in March at DC 9. (Another good show coming in March for all you noiseniks is Whitehouse with Pig Destroyer, and Wolf Eyes. Um, bring earplugs. Tinnitus can be a bitch.)

The next couple of weeks will see the Super Bowl happening, as well as hitting Fado for some Six Nations Rugby action. I'll also be heading back to PA to see EF. I'm sure other plans will materialize, but that's all that's on the radar at the moment.